Authentication Module.
Module for authentication functionalities, with the minimal functionalities as
User login with password and email.
- [x] Sign in form with email and password.
- [x] Validate email and password in form
- [x] Redirect to dashboard after successful login
- [x] Validate valid credentials in backend
- [x] Show error message if credentials are invalid
- [x] Show loading state while logging in
- [x] Show error message if there is an error in the backend
Social login Google , Github
- [x] Sign up with Google button
- [x] Sign up with Github button
- [x] Setup environment variables google
- [x] Setup environment variables github
- [x] Redirect to Google login page
- [x] Redirect to dashboard after successful login
- [x] Validate valid credentials in backend
- [x] Show error message if credentials are invalid
- [x] Show loading state while logging in
- [x] Validate if user is already registered, if not create a new user.
- [x] Sign up form with email and password.
- [x] Validate email and password, re-enter password and if agreements are checked.
- [x] Redirect user to dashboard after successful registration
- [x] Validate valid credentials in backend
- [x] Show error message if credentials are invalid
- [x] Show loading state while registering
- [x] Show error message if there is an error in the backend
- [x] Send email verification link to the user.
- [x] Show success message if user is registered successfully.
Forgot password / Reset password
- [x] Forgot password form with email.
- [x] Send forgot password email to user.
- [x] Generate unique token for resetting password, with expiration time.
- [x] Reset password after user clicks to link with new password.
- [x] Check you password in the mailbox.
- [x] Redirect user to login page.
User session
- [X] Create valid user sessions to interact with database.
- [X] Validate user session in the backend.
- [X] Destroy user session after user logs out.
- [X] Redirect user to login page after session is destroyed.
- [X] Automatically log out user after session is expired.