← Back to overviewIssues and fixes
Known Issues
Sign in
- [x] Sign in with Google is not aligned correctly
- [x] Redirecting sign in to the wrong page.
Sign update
- [x] Link to Terms & Conditions is not working
- [x] Spacing between the I accept and Terms & Conditions is off.
Forgot Password
- [x] Forgot password title change from Your Email to Reset Password
Profiles list
- [x] Profile list is not showing the correct retrieved data and total amount.
- [x] Delete filter since its not integrated yet.
Profile details
- [x] Remove the Recent contributions chart.
- [ ] Update the Projects with the correct data.
- [x] Remove the recent project which are files, or add in recent files here.
- [x] About remove N/A and display nothing for about.
- [x] Remove works from the tab.
- [ ] add in searching on nickname instead of id.
- [-] Refresh the conversation modal when a new conversation has been started.
Project list
- [x] Drop down is not working properly. removed since it does not give benefit
- [x] Avatars are not displayed, instead default is shown.
- [x] Two and one lines description are giving inconsistent heights
Create Project
- [x] Add thumbnail is not working. (changed and moved to the old design )
Project Details
- [ ] Dummy data is displayed, change it to real data.
- [ ] Display directly access or no access to the project, return different design.
- [x] No access for targets for administrator fix this.
- [x] Not all files types are displayed with the right images. (!added more types)
- [x] Add download option for the files.
- [x] Remove access control for members if users is not authorized to do so.
- [x] No feedback is giving when adding a new users. Works for positive not all error are displayed
- [x] Display the current thumbnail in the settings.
- [x] Upload image with thumbnail not working
Chat list
- [x] Small screen the chatbox is not fully displayed in the card.
- [x] Start conversation is not working properly, change the design.
Chat screen
- [x] Avatars are not being displayed of the users.
- [x] Margin seems a little bit off.
- [x] Not the correct user is displayed at the conversation topic.
- [x] Dark mode keep the text white instead of changing it to black
- [x] disable the upload button
- [x] Add in the iconn of the sender.
- [x] add in icon when sender is sending a message.
Account Settings
- [x] Disable not working links in account headers tabs.
- [x] Remove social sign in.
- [x] Email change the text size of email.
Notification Model
- [ ] Add in the notification modal to the top of the screen.
- [x] Remove the loading spinner.
- [x] Add allowance of .svg files from supabase storage.